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Herrick Law, LLC is a boutique law firm focusing on estate planning, estate and trust administration, probate, and marital agreements. Our goal is to empower your legacy by guiding you in the creation and implementation of a thoughtful estate plan. We also assist those who have suffered the loss of a friend or family member and need guidance on estate or trust administration. Ready to get started? Contact us for a free introductory call.
The firm is based in Denver, Colorado but provides services throughout the State of Colorado.
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Estate planning is one of the most misunderstood areas of the law. For example, it is a common misconception that estate planning is only for wealthy families. However, a lack of proper planning often creates challenges for even modest estates. Do you ever wonder what would happen to you if you were unable to make your own decisions? What if your loved ones are unable to work together to help you or to settle your estate? Do you want to protect your assets for your loved ones after you are gone? You need an estate plan. Estate planning is for everyone.

Estate planning attorneys work closely with clients to identify goals, plan for contingencies, and create a comprehensive estate plan to carry out their wishes. This often includes documents designed to plan for incapacity, nominate guardians for minor children, bypass probate, minimize estate taxes, and designate who your beneficiaries will be.






  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Financial Powers of Attorney
  • Medical Powers of Attorney
  • Advance Directives for Medical/Surgical Treatment (Living Wills)
  • HIPAA Releases
  • Declarations of Disposition of Last Remains
  • Personal Property Memoranda
  • Marital Agreements (pre and post)
  • Estate and Gift Tax Planning
  • Guardianship Planning for Minor Children
  • Charitable Giving Strategies
  • Planning for Incapacity or Disability
  • Beneficiary Designation Counseling
  • Trust Administration
  • Estate Administration
  • Probate Court Guidance
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Many clients come to us with existing estate plans. Often, those clients do not understand the purpose of the provisions in their documents, when each document will be used, or whether their assets and beneficiary designations are set up consistently with their plans. Herrick Law, LLC can help you understand your existing documents and make recommendations, if needed.
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We understand our clients value simplicity, convenience, and efficiency. We want you to feel educated about your legal decisions and know that you have made the best decisions for you and your family. We want you to know that your estate plan will work smoothly when your loved ones need it the most.
We take pride in working closely with our clients to identify all of their specific needs so that we can make legal topics as straightforward as possible. We encourage communication with our clients. In fact, for estate planning, we have thrown out the time clocks so you never have to be afraid to call with a question. We bill estate planning on a flat-fee basis, agreed to in advance, so there are never any unexpected charges.

The information that you obtain from this website is not, and is not intended to be, legal advice.
The content is for informational purposes only and does not form an attorney-client relationship.
If you would like to speak to an attorney, please contact our office.

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